Fishing Arcade Game High Profit The Kirlin Thunder


Improved difficulty that reaches Level 50

High Profit Fishing هڪrcade Game with High Holding

Be configured as a 2~10 player game

High Quality 3D Graphics with More Fish Characters

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How to Play Fishing Arcade Game High Profit The Kirlin Thunder

The aim of the game is for players to use their guns and its three settings – normal, accelerated and aim for the target – to catch as many fish as possible within the time frame of the game.

In Fishing هڪrcade Game High Profit The Kirlin thunder there are different fishes to catch, all of which are worth different point values. Players increase their point scores by the number and value of fish they capture during games.

The main High Profit The Kirlin thunder gameplay is layered with features and mini games. These are important to use as they give players a higher chance to earn more points and in turn, the potential to earn more winnings.


The features in Fishing هڪrcade Game High Profit The Kirlin thunder شامل آهي:

1. KylinBoss
When the Kylin is successfully hit, the chain will be thrown out to catch it and it will enter the Struggle Mode. During the struggle, every smash caused by the dragon will net more points. If the Kylin is caught it will start a more furious attack and the player will win a higher prize.

2. Thunder Whale – Boss
When the Whale is caught several waves of Whale attacks will help the player catch as many fish as possible.

3. Devil Fish – Boss
When the Devil Fish is caught. It will help the player catch as many fish as possible.


آر&ڊي THEبهترين

Fishing هڪrcade Game لسٽ

پيڪنگنگ & پهچائڻ
پهچائڻ جو وقت : 15~ 20 ڏينهن سمنڊ ذريعي


ق: Can I develop my own game board through TAS?
هڪ: Yes you can! TAS offers development services. Simply give us your ideas and we can accommodate your requirements. گهٽ ۾ گهٽ آرڊر مقدار موجود آهن ترقياتي اختيارن سان. Contact us for pricing and time line associated with development of the gambling game.

ق: What is the warranty of your product?
هڪ: اسان پنهنجي پروڊڪٽس جي معيار جي پويان بيٺا آهيون ۽ ڪنهن به شي جي مرمت يا ان کي تبديل ڪنديون جيڪا مصنوعي طور تي خرابي جي ڪري خراب ٿي وئي آهي. جڏهن وارنٽي سوالن سان ٽيڪنيڪل سپورٽ سان رابطو ڪيو وڃي, مهرباني ڪري پراڊڪٽ سيريل نمبر ڏيو ته جيئن اسان خريداري جي تاريخ جي تصديق ڪري سگهون. راندين جا بورڊ: 12 خريداري جي تاريخ کان مھينو وارنٽي.

ق: ڇا پي سي بي بورڊ بورڊ جي ناڪامي مرمت ڪرائي سگهي? انهي کي مرمت ۽ ضروري قيمت حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ ڪيترو وقت لڳندو?
هڪ: جيڪڏهن اهو وارنٽي جي دور ۾ آهي ۽ نقصان غير انساني عنصر جي ڪري آهي, پوءِ اهو اڃا تائين وارنٽي جي فائدي لاءِ اهل آهي. جيڪڏهن اهو وارنٽي دور کان وڌيڪ آهي, اسان جيترو جلدي ممڪن ٿي مرمت ۽ بحالي لاءِ ضروري قيمت تي مطلع ڪنداسين. اسان کي ڏيو 3-7 ڪم ڪرڻ ھن ڏينھن آھي ان جي مرمت ڪر (شپنگ وقت کانسواءِ).

ق: جيڪڏهن اسان بورڊ کي ڪاميابيءَ سان انسٽال نٿا ڪري سگھون ۽ ٽيڪنيڪل مسئلن کي منهن ڏئي سگهون ٿا ، اسان ڪئين حل ڪري سگھون ٿا?
هڪ: You can refer to the enclosed product manual and wiring instruction upon purchase.We will always provide online assistance if necessary.

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