IGS Arcade Fish Games Ocean king 3 Plus Dragon Lady of Treasures


Diffikultà mtejba li tilħaq il-Livell 50

High Profit IGS Arcade Fish Games

Kun konfigurat bħala logħba ta '2 ~ 10 plejers

Kwalità Għolja Grafika 3D b'aktar Karattri tal-Ħut

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IGS Arcade Fish Games Ocean king 3 Plus Dragon Lady of Treasures

How to Play IGS Arcade Fish Games Ocean King 3 Plus Dragon Lady of Treasures

L-għan tal-logħba hu li l-plejers jużaw l-armi tan-nar tagħhom u t-tliet settings tagħha - normali, aċċellerat u timmira lejn il-mira - biex taqbad kemm jista 'jkun ħut fil-qafas tal-ħin tal-kaċċa.

In IGS Arcade Fish Games Ocean King 3 Plus Dragon Lady of Treasures there are different fishes to catch, li kollha jiswew valuri ta ’punt differenti. Il-plejers iżidu l-punteġġi tagħhom skont in-numru u l-valur tal-ħut li jaqbdu waqt il-logħob.

L-Oċean King Plus Prinċipali: Plus Dragon Lady of Treasures gameplay is layered with features and mini games. Dawn huma importanti biex jintużaw peress li jagħtu lill-plejers ċans akbar li jaqilgħu aktar punti u min-naħa tagħhom, il-potenzjal li taqla 'aktar rebħ.


The features in IGS Arcade Fish Games Ocean King 3 Plus Dragon Lady of Treasures include:

Dragon Lady – Boss

When a player catches Dragon Lady and wields his sword to catch everything on the screen.

Sirena - Boss

Il-Qabda tal-Sirena tista ’ssejjaħ tmien mewġ tal-Mermaids biex tattakka l-ħut kollu fil-baħar.

Dan jagħtik iċ-ċans li timmultiplika ir-rebħa tiegħek.

Granċ tal-Martell tal-Ħsara

Qbid ta 'Smash Hammer Crab jispara sajjetti' l isfel u madwar l-iskrin joqtlu karattri li jtajru madwaru.

Granċ Super Bomb

Qbid ta ’Granċ tal-Bombi jikkawża l-attakk tal-bomba b’katina fi splużjoni wiesgħa.

Jista 'jagħti lill-plejers iċ-ċans li jgħinu jaqbdu l-ħut fi żmien.

Granċ tal-lejżer

Int ikollok tir wieħed billi tuża raġġ tal-lejżer għal żmien limitat.

Granċ tal-Drill li Tkisser

Meta jinqabad Granċ Drill Crab iqabbad drills, jippenetraw iż-żona u jista ’jkollhom iċ-ċans li jaqbdu l-ħut.

It-drill jisplodi wara ftit żmien, u jista 'jtik ukoll iċ-ċans li taqbad il-ħut fil-medda ta' splużjoni.

Granċ tar-Roulette

Golden Roulette hija logħba bonus. Agħfas il-buttuna SHOOT biex twaqqaf ir-roulette.

L-akbar in-numru tar-roulette, iktar ikun għoli l-punteġġ.

Deskrizzjoni tal-Logħba

IGS Arcade Fish Games Ocean King 3 Plus Dragon Lady of Treasures promises hours of intense competition among the players thanks to its seemingly endless power up, Karattri oerhört uniċi, u armi distruttivi. From Dragon Lady and Mystic Dragon Power up to Fire Storm boosters, il-plejers iħobbu l-premjijiet moħbija f’din il-logħba. Uħud mill-karattri u l-armi favoriti tagħna jinkludu:

Dragon Lady of Treasures: Wields his sword to provide the owning player with generous bonuses

Fekruna Dragun tan-Nar: Spins madwar l-iskrin biex jaqbad il-ħut u joffri plejers b'eluf ta 'muniti bonus

Ħut Vortex: Toħloq vortiċi qawwi f'diversi żoni tal-iskrin biex teqred kwalunkwe ħut viċin

Raġġ tal-lejżer: Rimjiet wiesgħa, Laser qawwi fl-iskrin kollu biex jeqred kwalunkwe ħut fit-triq tiegħu

Super Bomb: Irkupra fl-iskrin kollu li joħloq splużjonijiet qawwija għal punteġġi massimi

Smash Martell: Jipproduċi splużjoni qawwija li tikklerja kull karattru u kull fuq l-iskrin

How to play Ocean King Fish Game Machine

Product Description
The parts of Oċean Re Fish Game Machine include:
1. Game Kits
Stability program PCB main board. Connector available options: VGA, DVI, HDMI. Anti- Cheater I/O board. Intelligent Decoder
2. Operating system
ICT bill acceptor work for US dollars 1-100, other type bill acceptor such as: ICT tao, TK series all can work for our game software
ICT thermal printers use for ticket out
Mutha Goose and Gaggle System, Cashless Card system install are available
3. Wires
High quality copper wires to make sure all are connected properly and safety
Heavy duty, long lasting board edge connectors
High quality, durable wires and ends
4. Joystick & Buttons
ABS plastic and solid alloy construction. Very rugged construction
Spring return to center. Made with highest quality materials
Polycarbonate lens cap for optical Clarity. Heat resistance plastic
Micro-switch reliability tested to 10,000,000 Cycles

5. Cabinet Inside
Suitable circuit layout. Very easy to change or upgrade accessories

R&D ILffice

Available Games For Fish Game Machine


Vantaġġ tagħna
1. L-aqwa softwer tal-logħob R&D and manufacturing in China
2. Customized high holding profit game software
3. Kabinett tal-logħob ta 'lussu personalizzat ta' l-aqwa kwalità
4. Il-prodotti tal-kumpanija tagħna għandhom ippjanar uniku, stampa sabiħa, Dehra brillanti, proċeduri tal-ewwel klassi,Ħardwer affidabbli, Dħul stabbli, Aġġornament ġdid u f'waqtu


Ippakkjar & Konsenja
Ħin tal-Konsenja : 15~20 days via Sea



  1. Q: What is your hottest games and could you develop games for me?

A: All the Ocean King games are hot, especially the latest ones such as Aladdin Adventure, Zombie Awaken, Buffalo Thunder, Golden Legend Plus etc.As original game developer, we have a R&D team of 100+ engineers.and our factory could also manufacture game cabinets.So we could develop game and customize cabinets for you.

  1. Q: Your fish game holding is adjustable?

A: Our holding could be as high as 50% while IGS is just 30% and you could adjust it in the setting page. The lowest is 10%. With our holding, your margin is higher.

  1. Q: How fast can I get the game board and cabinets?

A: we send separately the game board and the cabinets.Game boards are sent by air with DHL, Fedex and UPS which takes 3-5 days.Cabinets by sea takes 30-40 days.

  1. Q: Can I get warranty?

A: The warranty is 1 year (except for manual damage) and we provide lifetime technical support.

  1. Q: What is the payment terms?

A: Full payment via Alibaba and your money is protected by the Alibaba payment system, so you do not need to worry about the safety of your payment.

Q: Can I customize the own game or cabinet?

A: Yes, you can! TAS offers game/cabinet development services. Please give us your ideas and we can satisfy your requirements. There are minimum order quantities associated with development options.

Q: What Gaming Cabinet Options Are Available?

A: We offer different gaming cabinets to suit virtually any setting and game room. Some of our featured cabinets include 2/3/4/6/8/10 players.

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